Can't see pictures in some mails, but see them in other mails
I see a line and a (mini) torned document in stead of a picture. But in other mails i see the picture, somebody has send me. How do I make my settings so, that I see the pictures in all my mails
All Replies (1)
Re: Remote Content: If the image is remote content which is automatically not displayed in Thunderbird. In this instance you should see a message below the header section: To protect your privacy, Thunderbird has blocked remote content in this message click on the adjacent 'Options' button to get a drop down selection of options.
Maybe you are not viewing in HTML, so check setting. 'View' > 'Message Body AS' > 'Original HTML'
OR If the sender did not inserted the image correctly. for example : in Thunderbird new Write message Insert > Image allows you insert an image from your computer in an email. If you do not select the 'attach this image to the message' checkbox option, then only the link info will be applied. If that link is to a document on their computer then it will be useless as it is unlikely that you would have access. If it had a clickable link to a website then the link should still work.
More info on images not displaying: