pdf search - no highlight
Searching PDF opened with the built-in plugin failes to highlight the searched word. While the page scrolls to the location, in the absence of any highlight, it is very hard to locate the found word.
All Replies (3)
It is highlighted in the picture, just a very light purple. You can change the highlight color from the Operating System Settings.
guigs2 said
It is highlighted in the picture, just a very light purple. You can change the highlight color from the Operating System Settings.
Is the system highlight color different for web pages and pdfs?
Not as far as I am aware, unless there is an add on that might be contributing to this?
This is interesting, when I tried to download pdf.js for a new profile in Windows 7 on version 37.0.2 the add on was not available.
If there is a difference in colors and it is not expected, please also consider reporting this to the project's issue page in github:
I can only assume you are not using pdf.js, but Acrobat Reader. If this is the case then you can change the color with the properties menu: https://acrobatusers.com/assets/uploa.../Find_and_Highlight_Words_and_Phrases.pdf