Trusteer Rapport icon disappeared
The Trusteer Rapport icon in my browser has disappeared. I read a question post which seemed to provide a solution and it involved reverting to Firefox version 37, supported by Trusteer, as Version 38.0.01 the latest version that I have installed is a Beta version and consequently some addons including it appears the Trusteer icon dont work. However the solution offered required downloading from a link given to the Download Firefox page but the download is for Version 38. 0.01 that I have. How do I revert to 37 ? I have also contacted Trusteer rapport about this but so far haven't received a reply.
All Replies (5)
Is that addon enabled in the Add-on Manager tab?
AFAIK, Trusteer Rapport has to be updated for every new major version of Firefox that is released. Maybe it just needs to be updated?
Not sure it is an 'add on' as such or plugin. Never seen it show up in add on manager even when the icon appears in browser. I have the latest version of Trusteer installed. The problem is I think that Trusteer have not caught up with Firefox version 38.0.1. The chosen solution to this problem that I read suggested reverting to Firefox 37 but as I said the download page offers 38.0.01. I do not know how to revert to Version 37. Hoping Trusteer will get back to me soon.
I have just noticed a Firefox article advising against reverting to an earlier version of Firefox. As the chosen solution, reverting to Firefox 37, I saw relating to my problem ( Can't find it now !) appeared to work for the person who posted not sure what to do. The reason given for reverting to 37 was that Firefox 38.0.1 is a Beta version and sometimes 'add ons' and Trusteer might not work.
Firefox 38 was released on Tuesday the 12th. No longer in Beta testing. https://wiki.mozilla.org/RapidRelease/Calendar#Future_branch_dates
Usually Trusteer Rapport is a few days late, but since that software is released thru a 3rd party (banks that subscribe to Trusteer services) the delay might be caused by the banking institution.
OK edmeister, thanks for the info . I will wait for Trusteers response. The icon still appears in Chrome though which I use occasionally