Why searched -for e-mails stored/archived in local folders appear in found-list but cannot be open directly? I have to search them manualy directly in archive.
I have IMAP account linked to thunderbird. I tend to archive older mails in the local folders on computer in order to release mailbox space on the server. When I use search line, Thunderbird returns back a list of found e-mails with dates they were sent/received. The problem is, that if I click on one of those e-mails (that I know are in the local folders, i.e. folder "received 2016") only a blank white page opens, not the actual e-mail. Then I have go and search manualy for that e-mail in the local folder by date. This is rather annoying as I use the search engine a lot. Thank you very much for your help. Best regards, Miha
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