when i send using thunderbird, they see something like "feedback.� The mystery continues.� Ken"
The question above covers one email I received from someone using Thunderbird. That same person sent me another email and it had gobbly-gook like the following (I copied the messages verbatim):
1)� Can you tell me what you did with �Misc � Wives & Widows Extract�? ��� --In the past, several of the "W" Type records wished to receive the monthly R.T. ��� ��� via USPS.� We asked that the Widow requesting USPS pay $15.00 for a ��� ��� calendar year.� The info. was logged into "Pd-For-RT-Yr" and "Pd-For-Rt-$$" and ��� ��� the check, made out to "SIR Branch 110" was given to the Branch Treasurer. ��� ��� The record "Email RT" was flagged "No" ��� Has not been used since 2012.
All Replies (1)
Almost everyone I have seen with this complaint so far is using the legacy Arial font. Change your font.