Addons are not syncing
Hi all
I've got some problem with syncing addons - they are not syncing. Yesterday I've installed Firefox Lockwise on my home PC. Today I start FF on my work PC and Lockwise did not install. Same story was earlier with some other addons. Perphaps there was a solution, but I wasn't able to find it.
Everything on PC is up-to-date (FF 67.0.1).
Best regards
All Replies (7)
Lockwise might be an exception because it is still in alpha state and is installed from its GitHub web page and not from the Add-ons website as you can see if you hover the install button.
Only extensions hosted on the Add-ons website will be synced.
Lopckwise will be builtin in future Firefox versions (about:logins) and won't have to be installed.
I've given bad example - apologize for this.
Doesn't matter from where I install addon - situation still appears. I've downloaded FeedBro from Firefox Add-ons page (https://addons.mozilla.org/pl/firefox/addon/feedbroreader/) and it also doesn't sync.
You can open about:sync-log via the location bar to see if there is a recent log available. You can upload a recent log if the log is too big to put in a reply.
Here You are:
It looks that you have too many extensions and have exceeded your storage quota.
1559731545613 Sync.Engine.Extension-Storage ERROR Syncing checkerplusforgooglecalendar@jasonsavard.com: request failed: Error: HTTP 507 Insufficient Storage: Resource access is forbidden for this user (Collection maximum size exceeded (301168 > 204800 Bytes).)(resource://services-common/kinto-http-client.js:2645:5) JS Stack trace: ServerResponse@kinto-http-client.js:2645:5 processResponse@kinto-http-client.js:2792:13 1559731545614 Sync.Engine.Extension-Storage WARN Syncing failed: Error: HTTP 507 Insufficient Storage: Resource access is forbidden for this user (Collection maximum size exceeded (301168 > 204800 Bytes).)(resource://services-common/kinto-http-client.js:2645:5) JS Stack
I wasn't aware that there are limits. Is there any site which shows that?
I'm using forever the same package and till this day there were no problems with add-ons.
I think that extensions should be synced. Extension storage data can grow over time (I see Stylus and Tampermonkey as extensions that stores script files), but I can't tell from the report where exactly it goes wrong. Most of the report is taken by Sync.BulkKeyBundle lines
- Sync.BulkKeyBundle INFO BulkKeyBundle being created for [default]