HTML5 Step Not Working As Expected
Using step on a number input is not working as expected when the value isn't pre-populated. See this jsfiddle for testing: https://jsfiddle.net/4Lx9ksfz/
All Replies (3)
Which one is particular isn't working the way you expect, or works differently in different browsers?
The MDN page describing what Firefox and other browsers should do is here: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/number#step
So, the ones that have a pre-populated value (the bottom ones) will perform step exactly as expected.
For step="any" when in the field and pressing the up or down arrows on the keyboard, the whole number changes and retains the decimal places. So, 12.34 with up arrow becomes 13.34 and down arrow becomes 11.34. This is the correct and expected behavior.
However, the ones that do not have pre-populated values (the top ones), once you enter a value into the step="any" field, example 12.34 and try to do an up or down arrow on it, then it changes the entire number to become a whole number of up to 13 or down to 12) It loses the decimals entirely, and this is not the correct or expected behavior.
This works as expected in browsers outside of Firefox: Chrome, Safari, Edge.
Hi NocFenix, the way I understand the article I referenced, when you use the up/down buttons on <input type="number">, only allows whole numbers are allowed unless the min or value attribute is set to a decimal number. I don't know why other browsers work differently.