Using list-style-image for bookmark library folders (sort of) works
@ jscher or anyone w/ an idea. I used some code off your site - userChrome.org. Using a list-style-image to replace the bookmark library folder icons & the subfolder icons that always show in the main bookmark pane (if the selected folder has subfolders). Every code I've tried *ALSO ADDS* the subfolder icons under *ALL* visible columns in the bookmark pane.
I used this (simplest I could think of) & a few others - same result. Maybe it will require specifying the unwanted columns (or the ID) don't get the image applied to them? I haven't found a way to inspect the library - don't know the html / CSS names, where there shouldn't be folder icons.
treechildren::-moz-tree-image(container) {
list-style-image: url("/home/chuck/.mozilla/firefox/7njgd76j.fx-mint-08-27-18/chrome/image/images-mint-x-aqua/folder.svg") !important;
FYI - don't know why the duplicate screens still show - I deleted 2 in edit mode, but they still show after saving the post.
JoeB modificouno o
All Replies (3)
You can't style individual folders via CSS with an icon in treechildren type lists. Only some special folder have a selector. All regular bookmarks and folders (container) have the same icon unless there is one available (probably set via JavaScript).
See also:
You can't?!? It sort of looks like it did. But I'm not trying to style "individual folders," if I understand you. Only replace the gray "file folder" image - everywhere the folder icon normally appears.
Inside the bookmark pane, I don't know why it's adding the folder icons in columns that never have any icon or image. But I've seen posts - others with the same problem - adding folder icons in bookmark pane columns other than the Name column.
The Name (of bookmarks) column is the only one that ever has sub-folder icons (when the selected folder in the folder tree *has* subfolders).
Maybe we misunderstand each other on "individual folders."
I only wanted to replace the existing "normal" gray folder icons with a different image.
I didn't care about the other icons that weren't the gray FOLDER image. Like "recently bookmarked," or "most visited."
What I used did that - but also adding folder images in columns that never have any icons. I'm surprised there's a designated place (say, in Tags or Location column) to put an image. Has anyone ever seen images / icons in bookmark columns
JoeB modificouno o
You use a pseudo class name ::-moz-tree-image, so any element this applies to will get the image. To prevent this you probably need to be more specific and ad more to the selector (::-moz-tree-image(s1,s2,s3)).
Some more examples: