TB 78 problem
Hi, I have make mistake I update to x64 on wrong date. I havent check and I have get version 78 and
now I can not downgrade to 68.
A problem is that I cant access my to main email accounts, and I cant find out why. I installed portable 68 and I was able to add all main email accounts and continue to use this way.
From 78 Im able to send, receive is empty and there is no error, and "Activity manager" is green ?!
is like it send wrong user or password; is is like it send t2X.si and not t-2.si (X is a graphical char)
! it need to backup profile when upgrade 68 to 78 (then is possible to go back) for now Im stick on 78
without lose all settings
if needed more info send to vito.erzen@ptt.si (this is working in 78)
All Replies (3)
I have limited problem. If I get right is problem only by receive from domain with "-" I have added forward mails to mail box on other my domain and
I can use now.
result is it sends from t-2.net(si) receiving not work (no error)
is possible that some addon works without been loaded
normally I use "limited html" and edit subject; all both are in 78 present (html is under Message body as) and edit subject is on button of pulldown
I have updated 78.0.1 and still problem
now I get error for longing, but not what is wrong
Today it stared to work, I hope it will continue. Is like it was send patch from MS, because it started day after upadate 78.0.1