search engine addition
I want to add google scholar and amazon as search engine options. Right now, the breif instruction in setting add search is not helpful. I have no idea which parts of a search string are needed. Aftwr an hour trying to add a search engine, i give up. Cant use firefox on android for school or shopping. Pls fix.
All Replies (1)
Hi, as the first step, run a search on the site to get the URL. Usually there is a part of the URL that contains the search term. That is the part you'll need to replace with %s when you build the search URL.
For example, with Google Scholar, when I run a search for carbon, I get this URL:
If you don't feel the need to slim this down, you just have to switch out carbon for %s to make it work as a search engine URL:
But I think that last part is irrelevant because it's just the submit button, so let's take that off:
I don't mind keeping English as my language. Not sure what that other bit is. So I would stop there and use that.