Badge second Subfolder doesn't work using Filter emai function
Hi Team, I have a problem with badge on the second Subfolder. The structure is (all collapsed): main Folder (ex. A), SubFolder (ex. A1), second SubFolder (ex. A2). When I receive an email, it move to A2 using Filter function. To the right of the "A" appears the badge (1) and text "A" is Bold and Blue color but "A1" doesen't appear the badge (1) and text "A1" is Normal and Black color. If I expande the "A1" I see "A2" and to the right of the "A2" appears the badge (1) and text "A2" is Bold and Blue color.
I hope that you understand Thanks! Massimo
All Replies (2)
Sorry Team. I forgot the Thunderbird version: 115.2.2 (64 bit) SUPERNOVA
Best regards Massimo
Hi Team, news? Best regards Massimo