SYS/TEMP] Server error - Please try again later. Error code
I Can't send or receive emails from Thunderbird, over 24 hours now. I get error message above and repeated requests to log on with my passwords, but my password doesn't work. I log onto and go to my AOL server to see my emails.
All Replies (6)
can we have the complete error message please. Verbatim.
The full message is - "Sending of password for user jadehill3 did not succeed. Mail server pop.verizon.net responded: [SYS/TEMP] Server error - Please try again later." Followed by "Login to server pop.verizon.net with username jadehill3 failed".
In desperation, I deleted the account and hoped to start over from scratch. It indicates I have a wrong password, but I don't know where to find it to change it. The password for my jadehill3@verizon.net, (taken over by AOL 10 years ago) works to let me see my emails on the web. During all this troubleshooting, AOL made me change my previous password a few days ago I've looked at all the verizon passwords in my Password Manager, and changed them to the Verizon/ AOL new password.
By clicking "account settings" and by clicking on "account actions" I was finally able to configure a replacement jadehill3 account, but I still cannot log onto my Verizon AOL server.to send or receive emails.
There are to many things going on and have been changed. I wish I could somehow start from scratch and have this work.
When trying to re-configure my deleted existing account as a new account, I got a message that- "In coming server already exists".
A very similar error used to be emitted by the Yahoo servers when they were demanding a different authorization method (oauth) I do not know what differences there are between AOL and Yahoo these days as they share an owner, but it is not much I think.
I would guess as this verizon POP setup is such a mess that you need to use an app password generated on the AOL web site in Thunderbird, not your actual password.
I hope this advise isn't just sending me down another rabbit hole. Part of the problem with using a "user based" tech support and forums for troubleshooting and repair is, I try what's advised and find it's disrupted something else. I know I've seen the term APP PASSWORD in my wondering through help forums, I hope after possibly spending much time it's the solution. I'll have a few hours tomorrow to try. Please keep my case open. Thanks, Denis
ADDENDUM When I go to download emails, is Thunderbird sending out the same password as I am when I look at my AOL messages on the AOL server? Is that password kept in my list in Password Manager? Is it kept anyplace else? Manually entering the AOL server password with the "Enter Password" box that comes up doesn't work either.
After I deleted my old account in Thunderbird to try to start over from scratch, Thunderbird gives me a message "Profile already exists". Is it hiding somewhere where I can't find it?
Jane and Denny said
ADDENDUM When I go to download emails, is Thunderbird sending out the same password as I am when I look at my AOL messages on the AOL server?
If you use an app password it will not be.
Is that password kept in my list in Password Manager? Is it kept anyplace else? Manually entering the AOL server password with the "Enter Password" box that comes up doesn't work either.
I told you to use an app password. If you choose to not do that I simple have nothing else to offer you. You are on your own.
After I deleted my old account in Thunderbird to try to start over from scratch, Thunderbird gives me a message "Profile already exists". Is it hiding somewhere where I can't find it?
I would hope it is hiding somewhere. You say deleted your old account and then references your profile. I really have no idea what you mean, the profile is all of your data, contact, settings and calendars. Deleting an account does not touch the profile.
Before you post anymore stuff. You need to understand your operating environment instead of asking a thousand questions.
First the password manger. See https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/password-manager-remember-delete-change-tb Profiles https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profiles-where-thunderbird-stores-user-data The profile manager for managing profiles. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/profile-manager-create-and-remove-thunderbird-profiles What AOL says about APP passwords. https://help.aol.com/articles/Create-and-manage-app-password
Things I have checked. POP.verizon.net and POP.AOL.com both resolve to any-jpop-aol.mail.gm0.yahoodns.net so the two server names can be used interchangeably.
personally I would change my server settings to pop.aol.com restart Thunderbird and change the authentication method to oath and see if that works. That is rabbit hole stuff you mentioned earlier. I am not a Verizon customer (thanks be) so I can only extrapolate, but nothing substitutes for a tech support person from the supplier of the service (Verizon) who actually knows what they are doing. You provider however doe not provide quality support.
My rabbit hole solution might also get you out of the Verizon rabbit hole of nothing but paid support from AOL for ever. But that is your choice.