Your firefox make weird noices? Click here for answers!
So, a lot of people are frustrated that their firefox is making weird noices so I thought it would be a good idea to explain to everyone whats happening.
These "weird" sounds you hear are from pacman. Today is Pacmans 30:th birthday and google wanted to celebrate by making the pacman game playable at their website "www.google.com". You will notice that their logo is changed to pacman with the map swapped out to the text "google". The game will probably just be here today so all noises will be gone by tomorrow. If you don't want to hear the sound today then please don't visit google or just turn your volume down.
Also, it looks like the google toolbar plays the pacman sounds too but I am not able to confirm this.
Yours sincerely: LAwLz
All Replies (16)
Same problem here...
Dont support tripfags, sage this thread
I have the same problem with pc running ff3.6.x but not with pc runnning ff3.5.9.. and pacman is older than 30, maybe 35
People need to see this
Very irritating!!!!!!!!!
It's fun to play on Chrome, even works on Android fine. I thought it was pretty neat personally.
Lol at nOObs
Nope its 30 years tomorrow. It was created the 22:th May 1980.
Time for another bump =/
Ahh google... think about what you are doing next time.. goofy developers
Disable CoolIris and this problem will go away. Go to Manage Add Ons in your Firefox preferences and select disable the CoolIris.
Bad tie in and not Google's fault...but CoolIris.
You can update Cool Previews to the latest version. See https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/2207/
I'm fairly new to the IT Techie world so please forgive me if this is an unrealistic expectation but I would have hoped that Mozilla Firefox might have provide some warning to their users. In the absence of such I ended up uninstalling many recent downloaded programmes in the firm conviction that I had accepted a trojan somewhere. I also uninstalled Mozilla Firefox and only got to this stage of enlightenment through talking to a mate in the pub tonight. I've now got to reinstall the lot and am less than impressed. If Google can't be prevented from doing this then at least MF should let us know before. Or is there somewhere I should be loooking that I don't know about?
See also Firefox makes random sounds