Flash does not work correctly in full screen after most recent Firefox update
Firefox is having problems with certain web sites
Yesterday, firefox updated itself automatically. The "what's new" screen suggested that I update Flash immediately, so I did. I had a little trouble. I eventually uninstalled Flash and re-installed with the latest version, but it is now up to date. Now flash videos will not play properly in full screen. The picture will freeze for a few seconds with the audio still playing, the screen will go blank, then the video will restart from where the audio was when the screen went blank. Sometimes Flash will crash completely and I will have to reload the page to restart the video, even not full screen. Other times I get an error message that my video driver stopped working. I have checked and my video driver is up to date.
URL of affected sites
http://www.colbertnation.com; Hulu.com; and others
Troubleshooting information
Application Basics
Name Firefox
Version 3.6.4
Profile Directory
Open Containing Folder
Installed Plugins
Build Configuration
Java Console 6.0.16 true
Skype extension for Firefox true
TVU Web Player 2,4,9,1 true firefox@tvunetworks.com
RealPlayer Browser Record Plugin 1.1.1 true
Glasser 3.5.2 true glasser@sixxgate.com
Java Console 6.0.18 true
Adobe DLM (powered by getPlus(R)) true
Modified Preferences
accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar 0
browser.history_expire_days.mirror 180
browser.places.importBookmarksHTML false
browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion 2
browser.startup.homepage http://www.google.com/ig
browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone rv:
browser.tabs.autoHide true
browser.tabs.warnOnClose false
dom.max_script_run_time 1800
extensions.lastAppVersion 3.6.4
network.cookie.prefsMigrated true
places.last_vacuum 1275720932
print.print_printer Microsoft XPS Document Writer
print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_bgcolor false
print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_bgimages false
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print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_footerleft &PT
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print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_in_color true
print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_margin_bottom 0.5
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print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_margin_right 0.5
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print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_oddpages true
print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_orientation 0
print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_pagedelay 500
print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_paper_data 1
print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_paper_height 11.00
print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_paper_size_type 0
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print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_paper_width 8.50
print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_reversed false
print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_scaling 1.00
print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_shrink_to_fit true
print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_to_file false
print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_unwriteable_margin_bottom 0
print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_unwriteable_margin_left 0
print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_unwriteable_margin_right 0
print.printer_Microsoft_XPS_Document_Writer.print_unwriteable_margin_top 0
privacy.sanitize.migrateFx3Prefs true
privacy.sanitize.timeSpan 0
security.warn_viewing_mixed false
Firefox version
Operating system
Windows 7
User Agent
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100611 Firefox/3.6.4
Plugins installed
- -2,4,9,1
- getplusplusadobe16263
- np-mswmp
- 1.9.0042.0
- Winamp Application Detector
- RealPlayer(tm) LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In
- RealJukebox Netscape Plugin
- The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
- Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape
- Default Plug-in
- The Hulu Desktop Plugin allows Hulu.com to integrate with the Hulu Desktop application.
- Google Update
- Shockwave Flash 10.1 r53
- iTunes Detector Plug-in
- DivX Web Player version
- GEPlugin
- 3.0.50106.0
- Virtual Earth 3D 4.00090316005 plugin for Mozilla
- Google Updater pluginhttp://pack.google.com/
- Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_18 for Mozilla browsers
- Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape "9.3.2"
All Replies (15)
How can it be flash if it only affects Firefox? Adobe 10.1 works in every other browser fine and in ietabplus
To all Flash programmer: I have found a kind of solution. Take the command "onrelease" instead of "onpress".
I went back to Firefox 3.5 no issues version 3.6.6 has issues hopefully it will get fix in 4.0
Issues with Flash, those that have been detected, are being released in 3.6.7.
I'd never had the full screen problem either until the latest firefox update. The suggestion to unclick "enable hardware acceleration" in the settings box fixed the problem, as suggested in the comments. To find the "settings" menu, right click on the opening video screen.
I had the same problem when I upgraded to Flash 10.1. both with Firefox and IE 8.
Fix is to: "before you fullscreen right click and go to the settings. Untick the 'enable harware acceleration' box and close settings. Apparently its something to do with old video cards"
Thanks cam. I have an old PC with an old video card.
This has nothing to do for me with hardware it is Firefox. No issues in IE 8. I also have same issue in Firefox 4 beta 1
Randall, I will remind you that Flash for Firefox is not the same bit of software as Flash for Internet Explorer. Please ensure that you have both Flashes up to date on both browsers, and then do a comparison.
You can use this page on both browsers to make the update.
Same exact problem with the newest Firefox update. A major problem for me seeing as I have many clients at my throat to solve this problem for them.
Disabled hardware acceleration with everything up-to-date
Firefox: 3.6.6
Shockwave Flash:
I have tried many different methods with both AS2/3 and talked to many other flash developers. Lots of us in this same bind right now...Gotta be honest, I am pushing everyone to start using Chrome and Safari.
Longtime Foxer but this one will have me moving along.
I will be watching this thread like a hawk though. Hope you guys can give us all a solution. Thanks
hello, change the click event which launches your fullscreen function from onPress, to onRelease....should do the trick ~matt cline
i have the same issue-plz fix!
problem playing flash fullscreen
firefox 3.6.4 onwards chrome 5 safari 5
work well
firefox 3.6.3 chrome 6 ie 8
I updated to the most recent Firefox (3.6.8), and I get the following error each time it starts: "getPlusPlus_Adobe_reg.exe - Application Error"
I can't watch youtube (as this relies on adobe flash) or bbc iplayer.
I'm going round in circles - I updated to Flash, but I still get the message.
Someone shoot me
I uninstalled firefox 3.6.8, and reinstalled my older version of firexof (3.5.7), and now it works.
I have the same problem. Any video on any site won't work on full screen without a load of faffing about, pausing and unpausing, minimising etc etc. Firefox 4 came out way too early... These slow tabs are doing my nut too.