Need to have bookmark set so any user that logs in can see the same bookmarks.
We have different users logging into our PCs everyday. I have an instructor who wants to set a bookmark so no matter who logs in, they all can see the same bookmark.
All Replies (6)
You must export the bookmark in the public folder in your pc... 1. Click on Start e go in computer and then select C:
2.Search the folder Users
3.Search the folder Public
4. Select a folder( as Public Document) and put in the bookmark Get it?
Do those PC's use roaming Profiles located on a server on your LAN, where when a user logs on they get their own Profile regardless of which PC they logon at?
Tried that, it shows up as an IE page. Does not work.
Yes no matter what pc they log in they get a different desktop
Sorry, but that question is beyond the scope of this forum, which is for end user support.
I looked, but didn't find any related documentation in the Mozilla Developer Network website - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/ - maybe you'll find the information that you need there.
Another possible resource for information about institutional installations is Mike Kaply's website. http://mike.kaply.com/