As a trail I blocked the flash file in my site at mozilla in my desk. How could I enable the flash file for that site in mozilla?
As a trail I blocked the flash file in my site at mozilla in my desk. How could I enable the flash file for that site in mozilla?
In fact, I try to block the flash file only but unfortunately the site image also gets blocked. How could I able to get back the image and flash file in mozilla for that site (
Chosen solution
You can inspect and manage the permissions for all domains on the about:permissions page or for the domain in the currently selected tab by clicking the "Site Identity Button" (globe/padlock) on the location bar and "More Information" to open "Page Info" and go to the Permissions tab.
- Tools > Page Info > Permissions
You can delete the permissions.sqlite file to reset all permissions.
If you blocked it via an extension then you need to look in the settings of such extensions.
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Chosen Solution
You can inspect and manage the permissions for all domains on the about:permissions page or for the domain in the currently selected tab by clicking the "Site Identity Button" (globe/padlock) on the location bar and "More Information" to open "Page Info" and go to the Permissions tab.
- Tools > Page Info > Permissions
You can delete the permissions.sqlite file to reset all permissions.
If you blocked it via an extension then you need to look in the settings of such extensions.