Make Speed Dial Transparent
I have a theme set for the hole of Firefox. I was wondering if I could make the Speed Dial transparent so I can see all of the theme.
Thank you!
All Replies (5)
try see here Userstyle
@Nellus91 No, it just came up with the same as it did before I installed the plugin.
Sorry also try Super Start
@Nellus91 It's not showing my browser theme. I went to the add-on setting (prefences) and change it to transparent, still not my browser theme. :(. Might have to say Bye-bye Firefox.
When you say "speed dial" do you mean the built-in new tab page with the 9 thumbnails?
Since you have the Stylish extension, try this:
Select the following style rule and copy it:
@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); @-moz-document url("about:newtab") { #newtab-scrollbox { background-color:transparent !important; background-image:none !important; } }
Display the new tab page
Click the Stylish menu button ("S" icon) and choose Write New Rule > Blank Style
Paste into the larger box with the initial line number 1 on the left
Click the Preview button
If it works, name it and save it. You're done.