Migrate from Outlook 2000 to Thunderbird
I seem to be having trouble Moving to T-bird from Outlook 2000. Can someone please send me the steps I need to take to accomplish this? I thought it would ask me when I installed Thunderbird? So I have un-installed T-bird and will wait for a reply.
Thank you, Gary
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is outlook installed and in a running condition with the relevant PST files in the default setup. If so
Install Thunderbird and it should detect outlook as installed. I have not heard anything about removing support for this 15 year old software.
I guess it doesn't find the pst file? I did a search and found it. Maybe I can tell T-bird to import from it??? I don't want to corrupt the pst file by trying something I'm not sure might hurt not help me.
Back Ground; I renewed my Norton subscription anti virus/anti spam, only to find out they don't support Outlook 2000 any longer, 2003 and later only. Hence I want to move to T-Bird Client. Thanks. I appreciate any comments.
Thunderbird imports by having a "conversation" with outlook and asking for things. So if your outlook works then I would assume the import can occur. I might be that we will have to try a version of Thunderbird that is older to get the communications going. but looking through the bugs that mention outlook 2000 I see nothing to indicate it should not work. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=outlook+2000+site:bugzilla.mozilla.org
Have you tried using import on the Tools menu (alt+T) to force import?
No, but I will as soon as I get back. I know where the pst is located now, so will try that Mon.
Thank you much.
I said Thunderbird uses Outlook. You never get to point to a PST file, only the ones that are in Outlook by default.
FYI I just found someone to help me with the Migration from Outlook 2000 to Thunderbird.
You have to get a very old copy of T-Bird "" and use it to import the Outlook 2000 data. then you can update T-bird to the latest version.
Thought you may be interested incase you ran into this in the future.
Thanks, Gary