problems with drawImage method in firefox 50.0 on Android 4.4.2 (Lenovo B8080-H)
Good day!
We have small project for get and view screenshots from camera, and after upgrading to 50.0 we have some problems:
1) How it works: User open web-application and give permissions to use camera. Next he can use camera to get a screenshot. If he do it he get image on screen.
2) Code // get user media if(navigator.mozGetUserMedia)
{ moz=true; navigator.mozGetUserMedia({video: {optional: [{sourceId: idcam}]}, audio: false}, success, error); }
// camera stream to view function success(stream) {
v=document.getElementById("v"); if(moz) { v.mozSrcObject = stream; v.play(); console.log("Success in moz") }
// function to capture image from camera to canvas and insert it to
$scope.getScreenshot = function(){
var video = document.getElementById("v"); var canvas = document.getElementById("qr-canvas"); var gc = canvas.getContext("2d"); gc.drawImage(video, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); $scope.outputImg = canvas.toDataURL(); };
<canvas id="qr-canvas" style="width:100vw;height:100vh;position: fixed;display:none;"></canvas>
3) Problem: All work good in firefox 49 at all devices, and in firefox 50 at all devices except Lenovo B8080-H on Android 4.4.2. At this device we get green square instead screenshot. I think that something wrong in drawImage method on this device.
Also in browser i get warning that "navigator.mozGetUserMedia is change to navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia", but if I try to use navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia I don't get notification to allow permissions to camera
כל התגובות (1)
moving the the Firefox for Android support queue