How can we turn off the subtitle in the PiP mode/frame but still have the subtitle in the original tab?
While there are a lot of benefits of having the subtitles in the PiP mode/windows, it also brings a lot of issues too since it block the contents of the video. ( Yes. we can turn off the subtitle as needed). Wonder Firefox offer a solution where the subtitle is played in the original tab and the pop-out pip window can choose to show subtitle or not ? Thank you.
כל התגובות (3)
Hi dimof18187, i have attached a link to a forum where they have discussed about the issueyou are facing hope it helps you . https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1551058
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השתנתה ב־
sarveshwajs1234 said
Hi dimof18187, i have attached a link to a forum where they have discussed about the issueyou are facing hope it helps you . https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1551058
so in order to not having subtitle in the pip mode, we can downgrade firefox version for now (since the bug/issue is closed without solution)
see the most easy waay for it to close is to search for subtitles in the app and directly close it from there.. like in youtube or coursera you can choose an option to hide the subs thanks