Hello. I have a problem on an old laptop. The laptop cannot play videos with a resolution greater than 720 pixels. A situation often arises when you open a website and cannot watch a video there made by customers about a product. There is no option to select resolution on many sites, and browsers by default try to play videos at the maximum resolution, ignoring the capabilities of the laptop. The essence of the question is, is it possible to limit the video resolution for all sites in a browser or system?
כל התגובות (2)
Change these settings in about:config:
privacy.fingerprintingProtection true privacy.fingerprintingProtection.overrides +VideoElementPlaybackQuality privacy.resistFingerprinting.target_video_res 360
Thank you for your reply. Perhaps I edited it incorrectly. Should I indicate (+) in the second line or not? I added without (+) and there is no result. I’m testing it on a website with posted videos of the product. https://www.ozon.ru/product/pedali-dlya-velosipeda-jd-281-huabei-os-9-16-so-svetootrazhatelyami-alyuminievye-serebristye-new-996599944/?avtc=1&avte=2&avts=1711289514&reviewVuuid =01892a6d-1e7f-2e4e-cc5d-46cf57c21308&itemId=996599944&reviewsVariantMode=2