The website 'www.facebook.com' is just a white page?
Once logged in to facebook (www.facebook.com) I am taken to http://www.facebook.com/home.php? and this website works. However if i go to click facebook in my favourites the page turns white. This also happens if i click on my profile. It seems that any website liked to 'www.facebook.com', for example www.facebook.com/USERNAME, comes up with a white page.
URL of affected sites
כל התגובות (20)
Try clearing your cache and cookies.
- Open the Tools menu, then select Clear Recent History... .
- In the Time Range to clear: drop-down, select Everything.
- Click the arrow next to Details to display the list of items that can be cleared.
- Select both Cookies and Cache.
- Click Clear Now .
This didn't work... i've tried the same issue in internet explorer and facebook works. So it must be something to do with firefox?
Here's a picture of what facebook looks like once i've logged in and clicked on 'www.facebook.com' on my favourites.
These methods don't work!! we need a fix ASAP mozilla :\
Happened as soon as i updated is affecting everyone in my office.
Yesterday I had no problems with Facebook. The only difference between yesterday and today is that I switched from Firefox 3.6.6. to 3.6.7
Clearing the cache and cookies works only until I log in Facebook. When I log out and try to log in again it's a white page.
I have found changing URL to https:// Kinda fixes it you have to keep adding S
or touch.facebook.com works as a temporary solution
Thanks, Nick, changing to https works, but yeah, you have to do it every time you click on something...annoying but better than nothing.
Wonder what the underlying problem is...
Firefox 3.6.7 doesn't work with Facebook (blank page+ hourglass)
No effect by clearing Cookies and Cache.
I hope this will be fixed soon!
one more with the same problem.....
can we reverse to previous 3.6 version?
i have the same problem too.
tazh problem on a site http://int7.darkorbit.bigpoint.com/indexInternal.es?action=internalHandel a page is all white
Same problem here. Clearing Cache'n'Cookies helps for one session.
Seems to be better than using httpS-workaround, since that one only opens the page explicitly changed. As soon as you click some link, you get a blank page again.
Firefox version: 3.6.7 Operating system: Mac 0S X 10.5.8 My problem is similar but with the difference that something does show up just not as it should. All other browsers work with the exception of Firefox. This is how most of the sites I navigate look like.
Any ideas?
Thank you, Silvia
And did not you think that possibly simply zablokuvali him?
Same problem. Please resolve it asap!
Same here, FF3.6.7. Win7
I can not understand how to deblock it I am sorry if who knows say?