How to display Bookmarks Toolbar when running Full Screen.
When running in "normal" mode, the Bookmarks Toolbar displays fine. However, when running Full Screen (F11), the toolbar doesn't display. You have to hit F11 to go to "normal" mode so you can use the toolbar then hit F11 again to go back into Full Screen mode.
Is there an option that can be changed to make the Bookmarks Toolbar available when running in Full Screen mode?
כל התגובות (4)
The Autohide extension has options to always show specific toolbars when in Fullscreen mode and to show specific toolbars when the cursor is moved to the top of the screen. http://www.krickelkrackel.de/autohide/
This is only a solution for older versions of Firefox on Windows XP. Is there anything new that can answer this question?
Add code to userChrome.css below the @namespace line.
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /* only needed once */ #PersonalToolbar[moz-collapsed="true"] {visibility:visible!important}
I use Roomy Bookmarks Toolbar and enable "Make bookmarks bar translucent after ( ) seconds".