damn, help me, stop sending me back here, i want to get rid of this: http://search.sweetim.com/?src=10
this is as frustrating as trying to get rid the add on that i never wanted. Please help me get rid of it. http://search.sweetim.com/?src=10
כל התגובות (1)
Well, I may not understand your question but have you tried clicking Tools on the menu bar and then Add-ons. This will display the Add-ons page. Click on the one you want to uninstall and then click on its uninstall button to uninstall it.
I just did a Google search on http://search.sweetim.com malware
Here is the first page of Google results http://www.google.com/search?num=50&hl=en&safe=off&biw=1366&bih=637&q=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.sweetim.com+malware&aq=f&aqi=m1&aql=&oq=
I saw one page that might help - http://www.imessengr.net/2006/12/how-to-remove-uninstall-sweetim.html
Look at the other pages on that search, maybe one will help you.
Also - who keeps sending you back here? And where is here?