Sending an email to a group without disclosing the recipients (and not using bcc)
Using Thunderbird email, I would like to send emails to a group of individuals using a group name (e.g., 'teachers') - but not have any of the names of the recipients appear in the to, cc, or bcc lines. That is, the only name that would appear in the "To" line in the emails RECEIVED by the recipients would be 'teachers; there would be no entries in the cc or bcc lines.
Can this be done? If so, how.
Thank you!
Semua Balasan (5)
What's wrong with BCC?
I currently using bcc, but my intention is to let all of the recipients know that they are part of a group mailing (e.g., 'teachers'). With a bcc, a recipient only knows that he/she was sent an email,not that it was sent to a group of individuals (e.g., the 'teachers' group).
You can carry across that information by using an appropriate From: email address. I don't think there's an alternative to BCC.
I frequently receive emails sent to lists (with just the name of the list in the 'to' box, not the individuals comprising that list) so I know it can be done.
However, what I do not know, is whether this capability exists using Thunderbird.
That is done via an external list server, not Thunderbird.