My Thunderbird after update just deleted all folders and all locally stored messages - looks like a really major security breach!!!
Theres no nothing, all my message folders for my gmail just disappeared. The stored messages folder is empty. After update and restart the Thunderbird looked that it re-synchronizes the folders back from the web, but after finished it in turn deleted all the messages again. Gmail also alerts me about an attempt of unauthorized access to my account from an unsecure AP and demands immediate pasword change... This very much looks like one of the most advanced security breach in the Thunderbird history!!! How can I downgrade to previous version? Jan
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Aj mne sa to stalo cca pred 6 mesiacmi. Pomohol jedine návrat k poslednej funkčnej verzii.
Návrat k staršej verzii Thunderbirdu je možný. Všetky verzie Thunderbirdu nájdete tuná:
Stiahnite si poslednú funkčnú verziu Thunderbirdu. Vypnite Thunderbid a natvrdo preinštalujte doterajšiu (problémovú) verziu Thunderbirdu. Po spustení Thunderbirdu zakážte automatické aktualizácie.
V mojom prípade som asi po 30 dňoch aktualizoval na najnovšiu verziu a odvtedy je zatiaľ všetko v poriadku.
version 52.2.1 is available to resolve this