New bookmark location field missing, how to enable it?
When you hit Crtl +D on a web page to get bookmarked it does not give you the location, the only ways to check the location are through properties or hovering the pointer over the BM. (see image attached)
How can I get initial bookmarking to display location?
Semua Balasan (1)
I think the location line is suppressed because the location of the bookmark is shown in the address bar to the left of the star. If the star is blue, you can be confident that they match.
If you prefer to show the Location box on that panel, there is a way to "unhide" it with a custom style rule. Custom style rules can be applied to Firefox's user interface area by creating a userChrome.css file. This is a 10-minute project, and it's worth taking your time and getting it right the first time to avoid lots of frustration.
Custom Style Rule
#editBMPanel_locationRow[collapsed="true"] { visibility: visible !important; }
This screenshot shows the effect:
How to set up a userChrome.css file
I created a website to help with this, and recorded some videos. You can check it out here: https://www.userchrome.org/how-create-userchrome-css.html