Viewing elements, or not, of saved webpages
Hi, it is my habit to save the webpages of on line auctions that I have won. It forms a useful reference source. Invariably I have been using Firefox as the browser and it is my default browser for opening saved webpages. Whilst recently going through some old saved webpages I have encountered two problems, 1) some webpages were saved when a magnified view of the auction's lot was being displayed and this magnified view pops up over the underlying webpage thereby obscuring the webpage underneath it. The underlying webpage appears intact though I get only a pmomenttary glance at it before the pop up appears. 2) on other webpages the photo of the auction's lot appears during the initial 'upload' but then disappears leaving just a symbolic icon where it was. So I have two questions. In relation to situation 1) how do I see what is underneath the magnified view? In relation to situation 2) how or can I make the photo 'stay' on screen in its correct location on the webpage? Thanks
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Just a thought would it not be better to take a screenshot than save the URL and all it's associated files. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-screenshots
As to the saved URL's and all associated files it maybe you are not keeping enough or once opened it needs to go on line to retrieve info that is not there anymore or when goes on line the code can not find what it was looking for or is changed.
Please let us know if this solved your issue or if need further assistance.
For #1, you should be able to edit the HTML of the saved page to hide the overlay. The details depend on the specific page, so you might need to learn how to use the Page Inspector to identify the problem item so you can edit the .htm file.
For #2, maybe Firefox saved a low quality thumbnail image, but then a script in the page tries to load a higher quality version and that fails?? This may be harder to track down.
Can you give an example live page on the web where, when you open the saved version, the image does this disappearing act?
If you prefer saved pages instead of PDFs or screenshots, another possible tool to try is the following add-on. Instead of creating a folder of files like the built-in "Save Page As... => Web page, complete" feature, it captures the images into the main file (which does make it large, but ultimately more portable).
I don't know whether that will give better results.
Ahhh I didnt know about firefox screen shots, they might be useful. I will need to 'digest' the other suggestions before I can comment on them. Thanks