today's update made my Yahoo mail micro text(unreadable) how can i fix this?
a few hours ago, my firefox updated and destroyed my yahoo mail. i can no longer read any text in my mail box. it is micro(unreadable) all other tabs/sites are fine. even yahoo.com is fine but, NOT MAIL. attached is a screen-shot of my inbox.
Semua Balasan (2)
Does the address bar shows a zoom reset button with a % other than 100%?
Alternately, does zoom work on that page (for example, hold down Ctrl and tap the + key a few times)?
thank you for your suggestions. this was not the fix but, made me think of something to try which worked. knowing that browser updates can change settings not only in the sites used but, in the browser cinfig itself, i checked and altered/ re-set a few site and cofig zoom sets. took a while to get it right but it is fixed and did not revert over night(i feared it would). So, thank you again for the prompt which led me to the fix:)