Some messages not appearing in Thuderbird
I use Protonmail and the Protonmail Bridge to access messages via Thuderbird. Today I noticed that three messages are missing in Thuderbird, even though I click Get Messages and there is no connection error shown. The messages are visible and accessible on my Android phone, and I was able to forward one of them from the phone to a Gmail account also on Thuderbird and receive the message (I only tried one of the missing messages so far). The last message visible before the problem was from 01:15 am and two new messages have come in since the missing three (14:17, 14:21) (and some spam!).
Can anyone suggest why I cannot see these messages in Thunderbird and what I need to do to correct this?
Thuderbird 78.10.2 (32-bit) Windows Pro 10, v 2004, build 19041.985, Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.2020.0
Semua Balasan (1)
Sorry, I seem to have a problem with typing Thunderbird