If I respond to an email on a one time business question, why does that person's name appear the next time I try to send an email to someone with the same name
I have a list of email names and address that I personally send emails to. I responded to two business emails with the first name of Scott and the last name. I did not enter these in my personal email list. I tried to send an email to a name on my list, also a Scott, and the other two Scotts came up because alphabetically their last names were first. Therefore, not paying attending I sent the email to the wrong Scott. No big problem but I am wondering now if every email I get or forward, do I have all those names hidden in my email list somewhere? Neither of the two Scotts that were business related are entered in my email list "Write" so where are they and how can I delete these?
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By default any outgoing email has the addresses saved in the Collected address book. You can turn this option off if you want.