What metatag, if any, do I set on my page to tell Firefox what image to use for my site's Enhanced / History tile?
I am looking for information on how to supply Firefox with the URL to the image I would like displayed as my site's Enhanced or History tile. We already specify <meta property="og:image" ...="" so="" i="" am="" guessing="" that="" isn't="" the="" one="" i'm="" looking="" for.="" <="" p="">
すべての返信 (2)
The content of this question may have been skewed because of the wiki mark up.
When you say enhanced icon/history icon, are you referring to the ico file that is displayed when someone bookmarks the page?
<meta property="og:image" .<="" em="">
What I use is the favicons: <link rel="icon" href="/.../favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/.../favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
I haven't seen any documentation on how webmasters can get a special thumbnail (Enhanced Tile) on the new tab page. I suggest contacting contentservices@mozilla.com for more information. And if you find out, please update us!