Firefox 'Reader View' not showing part of page
Just been experiment with the new Reader View, which looks pretty useful. I have a problem with a page on a website that I help with: Reader View shows part of the page, but not items for 2013, 2014 (except for one) & 2015. Earlier items show fine in reader view. It might be that the 2013-2015 items are presented using a local style sheet (there's a global style sheet on the whole page as well), although why one item appears in 2014 is beyond me.
I've checked the html against a few checkers (including W3c) for html & css and there don't appear to be any errors.
The page in question is: http://www.ncbpt.org.uk/folly/news/
Any suggestions welcome. Firefox 38.0.5 on Windows7
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I think that there needs to be a minimum content size to make this content getting included and there are also unlikelyCandidates and other elements that are excluded.
On pages of this forum it is completely useless for me as it only shows long replies.
You can check out the source code to see how it works, but it looks too complicated to me.
- resource://gre/modules/reader/Readability.js
- http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-release/source/toolkit/components/reader/Readability.js
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