When I attach a file to my emails, they don't arrive. Why?
It has been a little while, now, but I have only realized a few days ago. My emails with attached files don't arrive to their destination. Even to myself, I get a delivery failure message.
I have tried looking in my preferences settings, in the "Attachements" box, I only have an option for sharing large files.
What is happening???....
thanks if you can help. CarloB.
すべての返信 (3)
I get a delivery failure message.
Care to mention what the error message is? Please post the entire error message.
Hi Christ1,
Here's the delivery failure message :
Nous sommes desoles de vous informer que votre message n a pas pu etre remis a un ou plusieurs de ses destinataires. Ceci est un message automatique genere par le serveur mwinf5d53.orange.fr. Merci de ne pas y repondre.
This is the mail system at host mwinf5d53.orange.fr. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients.
The mail system
<carlo.bailey@laposte.net>: host laposte.net[] said: 550 5.5.0 SPF: is not allowed to send mail. LPN007_401
Thanks if you can help! Carlo
Your messages are sent. Attachments have got nothing to do with the problem.
From the error message, the recipients email provider has a problem with SPF validation of the messages sent via your email provider. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sender_Policy_Framework
You need to talk to your email provider. This is not a Thunderbird problem.