File names in profile are to long to move to another drive message error
Hi Matt, Just read your answer to a problem I’m having copying my documents folders along with thunderbirds profile folder to my second drive. Want to copy my documents folder and access it on the second drive I just installed because the first drive is full.
Got the message for about 600 files: “The file name(s) would be too long for the destination folder. You can shorten the file name and try again, or try a location that has a shorter path”
your chosen solution was: just delete anything mozmesgs, That is over a thousand files you have just so Windows search can find mail. A waste of space and a poor search to boot.
So, are you saying with your answer, I won’t loose these files from the thunderbird profile folder when I delete them? From what place should I delete them from? Thunderbird profile folder?
are these file temp copies for windows or something? Thanks for any light you can shine on solving this issue.
すべての返信 (3)
look for *.wdseml
I unchecked the: Allow Windows Search to search messages but it didn't change anything.
I'm going to try to move my thunderbird and foxfire profiles over to the F drive by themselves and then move my documents folder over and see how that works. Also, someone in another forum had good luck using Total Commander, so I'll look into that also Thanks
I don't think unchecking will result in all .wdseml -files to be deleted.
As each file is a partial copy of a message. You already have those messages in full within your mail folders. To be sure open one in a text editor. I would delete all .mozmsgs directories
I can't see how Total Commander could help you. A Mail folder is one single file, without extension, containing all messages and an indexing-file (.msf) fx INBOX and INBOX.msf In .mozmsgs every .wdseml-file is part of a single message.
If you try to move your entire profile to another disk. Remember to keep %appdata%\thunderbird\profiles.ini on your main that points to the new location. (IsRelative=0 and Path= "an absolute address").