How can I change my email back to hotmail-outlook is useless
Hi. My e-mail account was changed a couple of weeks ago (pparently automatically) from Hotmail to Outlook. I have tried to find out what has happened on the Outlook help site, which is less than helpful, other than to say my account has been automatically 'upgraded'. My experience is that it has been seriously downgraded. Everything is much, much slower and frequently locks up, is counter intuitive and moves or deletes mails I have not asked it to.
Does anyone know if I can get my old account server back because I really hate this Outlook system.
In case it is not obvious I am not very computer literate.
Many thanks for any advice,
すべての返信 (1)
Hi !
This is not a Firefox-issue, but a problem you can say 'Thank you' to Microsoft for.
You can post your question on the Microsoft support forum:
Good luck !