How to increase localStorage size to 20MB in Firefox 56 (in options, html, or javascript) ???
I am writing an HTML5-Javascript video game. I want to save 2 files to PERSISTENT localStorage: one file can be 20MB in size... I have tried to increase the 5MB storage limit to 15MB & it does work. I have tried:
to SET max limit: window.webkitStorageInfo.requestQuota(
window.PERSISTENT, 15000000, function( bytes ) { alert( "Quota is available: " + bytes ); }, function( e ) { alert( "Error allocating quota: " + e ); });
and to READ current usage:
window.webkitPersistentStorage.queryUsageAndQuota (
function(usedBytes, grantedBytes) { alert('we are using '+ usedBytes+ ' of '+ grantedBytes+ ' bytes'); }, function(e) { alert('Error'+ e); }
Try window. & navigator.webkit... I get error "webkit... undefined"
すべての返信 (2)
sorry TYPO: I have tried to increase the 5MB storage limit to 15MB & it does NOT work.
try this:
- tape about:config in your url bare
- Accept by clicking on the button
- search dom.storage.default_quota
- update the value (in Kb)
If I were you, I would simply use this during my tests.