Warum werden Dinge wie Fluent Design, Windows Features wie Benachrichtigungen, Timeline, Sets, Teilen Funktionen etc. nicht unterstützt?
Edge wird mehr und mehr zu einem ernsten Konkurrenten. Firefox hat zwar ein optisches makeover bekommen, dies passt aber leider überhauptnicht zu modernen Designs wie z.B. Windows 10. Weiter werden viele Systemspezifische Dinge einfach nicht unterstützt. Warum?
すべての返信 (1)
Why are things like Fluent Design, Windows features like Notifications, Timeline, Sets, Sharing functions etc. not supported?
Edge is increasingly becoming a serious competitor. Although Firefox has received an optical makeover, unfortunately this does not fit with modern designs such as Windows 10. Furthermore, many system specific things are simply not supported. Why?
Firefox is not Edge nor is part of the operating system. Very straight forward answer to a non-specific question, also Microsoft makes it as difficult as possible for Firefox.
If you are looking for something specific please ask.