пропали все мои вкладки после переустановки программы как их восстановить?
После переустановки виндовса переустановил мозилу зашёл под своим аккаунтом нет ни одной закладки которые были ранее!
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I lost all my tabs after reinstalling the program, how can I restore them?
After reinstalling windows reinstalled myzilu went under my account there are no bookmarks that were before!
End of Translate
Hi, when you are going to format you need to take the computer off to Sync. Also, when you Reinstalled Windows you lost the token that Sync help to communicate to the account. Thus no bookmarks.
You do not mention a 2nd device so it : appears from your question, that you are using Firefox Sync as a back up service. This is not what Sync is designed to do. The Firefox Sync service takes a copy of the data you wish to include and transfers it to a second device (typically a mobile device such as a tablet or a telephone) running a copy of Firefox. The storage in between all attached devices is both temporary and fragile and is not stable enough to be (and is not designed as) a reliable backup service.
If you have a copy of your Firefox profile for desktop Firefox, you may be able to recover your bookmarks and other data. Please have a read of these article.
- https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/back-and-restore-information-firefox-profiles
- https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/export-firefox-bookmarks-to-backup-or-transfer
If you have a copy of your data on a mobile version of Firefox, please follow these instructions to connect it to Firefox Sync to copy your data.
If this is not correct and you do have a 2nd device recover your bookmarks from it.
Please let us know if this solved your issue or if need further assistance.