try to discuss content of error message with help desk person. But as usual error message cannot be copied. This is so wrong and absurd.
try to discuss content of error message with help desk person. But as usual error message cannot be copied. This is so wrong and absurd. Please do something aand make these messages coppy-able.
すべての返信 (9)
That is what the Print Screen function of your computer is for.
It could be helpfull. But we cannot edit a print screen. As a quick and dirty solution this is an answer. But after all these years one should think someone would have inventedjust a copy and past way of copy the content of error messages. Thanks
Edit how? You can crop what is shown in the resulting image with image software. You surely do not want to modify what the message states.
I want to remove names and confident stuff from the message.
And I do not want to edit this kind of messages in image software. That is way to much effort just to send a mail to an help person. After the invention of computers years ago this is one mystery to me. Why do these error messages take so much time to send them away.
And Thunderbird has a problem by not having a error log (as far as I know)
Thanks for your answers.
The solution of take a screen shot. I did try your solution.
These error messages are short. Can only read a small part of the error message. You need to hover the mouse cursor to read all of it. And in 5 seconds after that the message disappears. No person can tell me where I can find that message.
Thans for your patience and help.
Hi Windows has a great tool - Snipping tool or Snip & Sketch. It allows a screen shot of a specific part of the screen so no need to crop. It also allows a timed delay before taking the shot, so there is a way to hover, expose the whole message, and take the picture. Maybe there is a similar tool for other OS if you are not using Windows. Agnes
Thanks for your answer. In Fedora screenshot does have a same feature. So it is possible to take a screenshot of a part of the screen.
But I think it is strange to give an error message that is only very short time visble without keeping a log to keep that messages to easily copy the message.
Thunderbird still shows error message. Error message disappears when try to do screenshot. Error message disappears when touching key. Error message disappears after 3 seconds.
I want to copy the error message and show it here or use it to search the web. With an image search I will never find solution.
I think it a bug when error messages cannot be copied.
この投稿は jaapsoft により
Hi Agree that disappearing errors are hard to capture. Does Fedora have the time delay function - start snip process, but wait specified number of seconds so you can hover and expand the message? Reporting as a bug - Bugzilla. Please search carefully before reporting to see whether this has already been reported. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/query.cgi?format=advanced There are ways to log various of Thunderbird's activities, such as IMAP transaction logging. However, you might need to narrow down the circumstances that create this error to know which error logging you need to turn on. I'm not able to assist much as I am not using Fedora. Agnes