Emails wont go because of BDATA
Hi, a few of my outgoing emails keep bouncing back for the following reason. Please would you adise me what the problem is. Thanks, Adrian
Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:
Customer Services (cs@1answer.co.uk) The mail client submitted this message with bare line feeds, which cannot be sent via SMTP protocol DATA command and receiving system does not support BDAT.
Diagnostic information for administrators: Generating server: GV2P251MB0946.EURP251.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM cs@1answer.co.uk Remote Server returned '550 5.6.11 SMTPSEND.BareLinefeedsAreIllegal; message contains bare linefeeds, which cannot be sent via DATA and receiving system does not support BDAT'
すべての返信 (1)
I cannot resolve your issue, but this problem has been reported by several others and the common problem has been their use of AVG. After changing a setting in AVG, the problem was resolved. My advice is to check to see if your antivirus program is inserting characters into outgoing email messages.