email text suddenly erases while typing an email
The following happens from time to time and when it is a detailed email the result is annoying. I do not type expertly and I am sure this handicap is the source of the problem.
While typing an email text I will hit some key, or most likely inadvertent combination of keys, and the entire text I have typed is erased.
What combination of keys causes this problem, if that indeed is the source? Any way to permanently prevent by disabling something or another?
すべての返信 (2)
My guess is you hit Ctrl+A instead of Shift+A to type a capital A
Ctrl+A is a select all shortcut. So selecting it and then typing a letter would see everything but the last typed character disappear. In this circumstance undo is usually very helpful (Ctrl+Z) as Thunderbird maintains multiple levels of undo you can go back two or three steps by repeatedly selecting Ctrl+Z.
Not the case here. In the cases I remember I hit two keys at one with one finger and who know what the other hand was doing, but it was not hitting a control key.