Is there anywhere where I could see what the default packaged fonts in FF look like?
I am font-fussy and want a very readable sleek font, as I do a lot of reading online and want to avoid eye strain. But there's no way to tell what the font looks like without the time consuming task of setting each one to see what it looks like. It would be nice to see a sample display right in the selection screen when you choose a font but before actually changing it, much like Windows does in some applications, or even a page with a sample of all the default fonts. Or perhaps there is and I've not noticed?
I don't like the old standby Times New Roman. Ariel is my intermediate choice but I know there's a better one out there, I had one but I lost my old settings, it kept glitching my reinstall of FF so I went with a fresh install, and as a result have lost my old font setting.
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すべての返信 (1)
The Verdana font is a font designed to be readable on screen. I use it as the default.
DejaVu : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DejaVu_fonts Verdana : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verdana
- http://www.typetester.org/ Typetester – Compare fonts for the screen
- http://cg.scs.carleton.ca/~luc/probeerhetmaar.html
Test bookmarklet, separate multiple fonts with a column
javascript:(function(){var i,j,c='',C='data:text/html,',F=prompt('Fonts','Arial,Verdana,sans-serif').split(',');for(j=0;f=F[j];j++){c+='<b>'+f+':</b><p style=\'font-family:"'+f+'"; font-size:25px\'>';for(i=0x20;i<0x7F;i++){c+=String.fromCharCode(i)+((i%(32)==31)?'<br>':'');}c+='</p>';}location.href=C+c;})();