Yahoo Mail Contacts missing - Clicking tab yields blank list
With Firefox, Yahoo Mail works normally except lately, when I click "Contacts" I get a screen with no names listed. If I start a new eMail and click "To" the listing appears as normal. When I launch Yahoo Mail from Internet Explorer, the "Contacts" tab works normally. I just downloaded and reloaded Firefox but the problem remains.
When I click the "Contacts" tab it goes to this page: http://address.mail.yahoo.com/
On this page, the listing is blank and none of the imbedded links work. The page only displays the following: Contacts (169)
Select a Contact to view or edit details Choose multiple contacts to email them all at once or add to a category Filter your Contact list from the drop-down menu at the upper left
Popular Tools
Stay in touch better by sharing your Contact info » Share my info
Import your Contacts from other accounts to Yahoo! » Import now
Enjoy a clean Contacts list
すべての返信 (5)
I just resolved this for my mom. She uses Computer Associates for her PC protection, and it was too agressively filtering the content on Yahoo Mail. I white-listed or made an exception for Yahoo Mail, and from then on out it was able to pull up the full contact list.
The only reason I looked was because on her same PC the same behavior happened with Internet Explorer and Chrome.
How do I white-list or make an exception for Yahoo Mail?
I'm using Norton for PC protection and Yahoo Mail Beta. The Contacts Tab opens to a complete listing of names when I open Yahoo Mail in IE but the list is blank when I'm using Firefox - even though the page title shows "Contacts (169)". Also the Import Contacts link on the Contacts page (http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/yab-fe/?.src=neo#) does nothing in Firefox.
Check NoScripts permissions for yahooaps.com, or maybe other blockers?
Yahoo have acknowledged my emails and have now resolved this problem. It was obviously at their end and only started with their new mail client.
Contacts started working today. Yesterday, I had also complained to AT&T Yahoo and they told me problem was Firefox. I indicated that I would continue Firefox and switch to Gmail. .