Why is it that passwords recognized in one window or tab are not recognized in another?
I am now in Firefox 4 for the iMac. I had a window open to these forums trying to find an answer to a question, but I wasn't allowed to post, etc., without logging in. I went to another window, registered and logged in. I then posted successfully.
However, when I went back to the original window and clicked on a link to yet another area of the forums, that newly loaded page did not recognize that I was logged in. It happens that I had bookmarked the page I had posted to, so, in a new tab, I hit that bookmark and saw my post. I was logged in there, so it was not a question of me having logged out by accident or timeout. In fact, I am currently typing in that logged in window.
It seems that windows which were not logged in remain that way as do all of the direct links from that window! In fact, as a test, I just went to two side-by-side windows, one where I am logged in and the one where I am not. On each, I clicked on the blue and white "Support" link (like at the top of this page). The one where I am not logged in says "Want to Contribute? Sign in or Register" in the upper right. The one where I am logged in says "Welcome Zelski Dashboard | Sign Out" I have done this many times in each window.
What is going on?
すべての返信 (1)
This has mysteriously stopped happening. Perhaps my overnight shutdown/morning startup rejoggled the new code.