Given Below the java script its not working in Firefox.. The is loading but values is not displaying Firefox But Same code its working in Internet Explorer...
Dear Firefox Team,
Given Below the java script its not working in Firefox.. The is loading but values is not displaying Firefox But Same code its working in Internet Explorer...
Please Help Me..
Java Script Code:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var dg = document.getElementById; var displayContainerPanel, filterContainerPanel, filterOrContainerPanel, hidASRTPostBox, items = {};
function asrt_Load() { hidASRTPostBox = dg('<% = hidASRTPostBox.ClientID.ToString() %>');
displayContainerPanel = new ContainerPanel(); with( displayContainerPanel ) { setPanelType( 'REMOVE_LEFT_ITEM_ONCLICK' ); setUniqueId( 'DisplayFields' ); } filterContainerPanel = new ContainerPanel(); with( filterContainerPanel ) { setPanelType( 'KEEP_LEFT_ITEM_ONCLICK' ); setUniqueId( 'FilterFields' ); } filterOrContainerPanel = new ContainerPanel(); with( filterOrContainerPanel ) { setPanelType( 'KEEP_LEFT_ITEM_ONCLICK' ); setUniqueId( 'FilterORFields' ); }
displayContainerPanel.render( dg( 'displayPlaceHolder' ) ); filterContainerPanel.render( dg( 'filterPlaceHolder' ) ); filterOrContainerPanel.render( dg( 'filterORPlaceHolder') ); loadItems( <%= JSONReportDescription.ToString() %> ); } registerWindowLoadEvent( asrt_Load, false );
function pptClick(pathToJS) {
var targetSizeOpen = "scrollbars=yes,height=150px,width=800px,status=yes";
var hiddenTxt = document.getElementById('<%=pptAnswer.ClientID%>'); var ans = confirm('Include Red or Yellow fields? \n (ok=yes / cancel=no)'); if (ans) { hiddenTxt.value = 'true'; } else { hiddenTxt.value = 'false'; }
pathToJS = pathToJS + "&incShare="; pathToJS = pathToJS + hiddenTxt.value; window.open(pathToJS,'ConformationScreen',targetSizeOpen);
すべての返信 (1)
Try posting at the Web Development / Standards Evangelism forum at MozillaZine. The helpers over there are more knowledgeable about web page development issues with Firefox.
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