uninstalling superfish i tried add-ons IEthat did'nt help it still keeps popping up
you all told me to go to tools & then to add-ons then to IEi did thatand i still could'nt uninstall superfish & now it keeps popping up every web page i'm at
すべての返信 (1)
There are several add-ons that include superfish, reports in these forums indicate in addition to IE Tab Plus, that WindowShopper, FoxLingo, Convertor and Page tweaks add-ons all include superfish, there will be others.
To identify which of your add-ons contains superfish you can disable all extensions, then re-enable them one at a time, restarting Firefox each time until you find the culprit. For more details on doing this see https://support.mozilla.com/kb/Troubleshooting+extensions+and+themes