Kaspersky Plug-In
I've had it with you folks. The disabling of add-ins has got to stop, stop, stop. Now you blocked my virus protection plug-in. And you call yourself the safe browser. You are nutz. I'm going back to another browser. This has gotten ridiculous. My virus protection? Really?????
すべての返信 (2)
The Kaspersky AV Plug-in is not disabled due to a result of Firefox.
Kaspersky fails to update their AV Plug-ins even though they plenty of time before any Firefox Release.
Mozilla provides alpha/beta releases so that Plug-in/Add-on Developers have the ability to test their product before an Official Firefox Release is made.
You should inform Kaspersky that their AV Plug-in is outdated.
Change antivirus software. Kaspersky is crap anyways. They hardly ever update their stuff. Firefox is secure because of its lack of secuirty holes unlike some of the other browsers available. Firefox does not protect against Porn Surfing of its users. So if you choose to surf malicious sites that's your fault not Firefoxes
In other words, get Antivirus software that updates.