You Tube Videos Only Play After Computer Restart
I'm a musician and I need access to You Tube videos. I didn't have any luck on their forum, and the Firefox Forum rocks, so:
The You Tube videos only play after a complete computer restart. This is on Windows 7 on a Lenovo laptop.
All I get is the spinning circle. This occurs even if I just put the computer to sleep.
I'm using the HTML5 protocol.
Merely restarting Firefox does not help. Neither does using Internet Explorer.
I'd appreciate any suggestions.
All Replies (5)
check this:
- see if there are updates for your graphics drive drivers
- disable protected mode in the Flash plugin (Flash 11.3+ on Windows Vista and later)
- disable hardware acceleration in the Flash plugin
https://forums.adobe.com/thread/891337 See also:
I do think Flash might have something to do with it, but I'm trying to use the HTML5 - am I correct that Flash is thus not involved?
I've had lots of problems with Flash - I get the "shockwave flash is busy" script all the time, so I've set it to only work when I permit it to do so.
I can't get videos on the news channels (CNN, MSNBC, etc.) either.
What if I just totally disable Flash in the add-ons?
Thanks, I'll try the updates first and report my progress with the suggestions...
I downloaded the latest version of Flash, and so far, so good; it works.
I checked my add-ons, and Shockwave Flash is disabled.
I'll report my progress and hopefully the issue is solved. I'll of course mark it so if so.
I went to MSNBC.com and simply read an article.
Once again, You Tube does not work.
So the problem must have something to do with other websites?
Or is it just a time factor?
I've called the big guys to help you. Good luck.