Thunderbird startup get unresponsive script error CAUSE: antivirus?
Every time I start Thunderbird I get the following error:
Warning: Unresponsive script
Script: chome://messenger/content/mailWindows.js171
I check Stop script and Don't ask me again, but it comes up every time start Thunderbird. This is a clean installation. Screens attached.
All Replies (4)
what anti virus? It is the usual cause here.
Running and have been running McAfee for years
McAfee has a long reputation for hangs, slow performance and general instability. See https://wiki.mozilla.org/Thunderbird:Testing:Antivirus_Related_Performance_Issues#McAfee for workarounds and notes on McAfee.
Tom, See https://wiki.mozilla.org/Thunderbird:Testing:Memory_Usage_Problems for a longer list of performance issues to investigate
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